IPTA Data Releases

Data Release 2

IPTA Data Release 2, 2019

DR2 GitLab Page

Data Release 1

IPTA Data Release 1, 2015

DR1 GitLab Page

Data Release 2

The final DR2 version includes two sub-versions.

Combination A: includes full data combination with Keith et al. DM Model and white noise (EFACs and EQUADs) parameters copied from previous published PTA and IPTA data releases.

Combination B: includes full data combination with white (EFACs, EQUADs, and ECORRs) and red noise (power-law DM and RED) parameters estimated using this combination itself. The data are intended to be processed with a recent TEMPO2 version.

Clock correction files that should be used are in the clock/ subdirectory.

Data Release 1

An e-print of the first data release paper can be found on the arXiv.

Combination “A”: a raw form that has jumps, but no EFACs, EQUADs, DM or red-noise models included;

Combination “B”: a default “tempo2” form which includes jumps, EFACs, tempo2-format EQUADs (i.e. following Equation 5), a DM model implemented through DMoffset flags (“-dmo”) added to the ToA lines, a red-noise model in the form of a spectral model compatible with the Cholesky tempo2 code introduced by Coles et al. (2011), but no ECORRs;

Combination “C”: a temponest combination with JUMPS, EFAC, ECORRs, EQUADs (following Equation 6) and DM and red noise models compatible with the temponest code.

Runtime_v1.0: Ephemerides and observatory and clock correction files needed for TEMPO analysis

IPTA Clock Paper

We have also made available the exact inputdata used for the frequentist and Bayesian data process-ing, along with the script used to carry out the frequentistdata processing. Our data release also provides the pulsar-derived clock waveforms and spectra (such as those shownin Figure 3) for each pulsar. This data release can be obtained here as well as from CSIRO’s data archive.